Financial Services

Investors have pushed the bank for more details on its tech initiatives. Communicating longer-term ROI without tipping off competitors is the challenge.

Proptech lets landlords keep income while ditching ownership costs: US-based Flock lets landlords exchange their properties for shares in dividend-paying, tax-deferred investment vehicles.

Its new secured card can appeal to small-business owners with poor credit histories and lead to upgrade opportunities.

Apple acquired UK-based open banking fintech Credit Kudos—here’s what it can do with the new tech.

50 million data points are great, but only if they’re actionable: That’s according to Ashley Ross, head of CX at Bank of America, who we sat down with for an exclusive interview.

In the US, higher-income millennials are more likely to own cryptocurrency than their lower-earning peers. Some 61% of those making at least six figures per year own crypto, while just 25% of those earning less than $50,000 hold Bitcoin or the like. Gender plays a role as well—half of millennial men hold these digital currencies, while only one-fifth of women in that age group do so.

NatWest’s BNPL plunge could deepen customer engagement: The UK bank’s offering will roll out this summer with customer safeguards like credit limits.

The city council approved creating a financial entity that will lend to underserved businesses. If this focus holds, competition with existing banks should be limited.

It helps Robinhood compete with banks, other fintechs, and other digital brokers by capitalizing on a shift to debit and younger users’ payment preferences.