Financial Services

On today's episode, we discuss when we might see a digital "Govcoin," why it matters, and what Amazon, Facebook, and AMC are up to in the world of cryptocurrency. Tune in to the discussion with eMarketer research analyst Grace Broadbent and financial technology analyst at Insider Intelligence Victor Chatenay.

The UK launch is its first international crypto expansion and anticipates the company’s super app goal.

Revolut expands Stays to Ireland, aiming to ride travel rebound: The UK-based neobank is offering its travel-booking feature to Irish customers shortly after its home-market launch, seeking to capitalize more broadly on the post-vaccine recovery in travel.

Its fresh £14M funding round brings the UK-based newcomer to the capital threshold where operating restrictions end. Now comes the hard part: Distinguishing itself from other banking players.

John Lewis will leverage its trusted brand and larger customer base to launch a robo-advisor with JPMorgan-owned Nutmeg, reducing its reliance on brick- and-mortar to drive revenue.

The incumbent banking giant is teaming up with Simply Business to offer small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) access to insurance coverage. Banks are using partners to provide services that boost customer engagement.

NY law is part of anti-overdraft trend: The law restricts how banks can process checks, making account holders less likely to run into problems that generate controversial fees. It’s a step against a fee source much in the news and could foreshadow federal action.