Financial Services

Rising interest rates boosted revenues, but bad loan provisions knocked profits.

We combed throughPlaid’s Fintech Effect 2022 report to see how consumers are using fintech to manage their finances when the economy is uncertain.

It aims to provide banking functions to underserved demographics that already use its wireless service with its new OmniMoney service.

Balances returned to pre-pandemic levels in September. Card issuers should keep an eye on spending as economic storm clouds form.

After a startup pitch competition, Money20/20's chief growth and strategy officer Scarlett Sieber offered her insight on the much-changed 2022 fintech landscape.

Insider Intelligence’s forecast estimates a 62% decrease in new neobank account openings, and a 44.6% drop in all digital account openings.

Broadridge's Global Chief Marketing Officer Dipti Kachru shared her insights into the rapidly evolving role of the CMO, the trends and challenges affecting her, and how she measures the success of marketing initiatives.

The Adobe Experience Platform will gather bank customer data from all channels to create a unique profile and generate relevant offers and promotions.