Nvidia’s new edge AI computing platform highlights the need to protect surgical robots and medical devices from hacking.
Pfizer expands its agreement with CytoReason by five years to boost AI’s role in drug development. We spotlight the trend in the pharma world.
The EHR giant’s new Life Sciences program shows how large datasets can help expand clinical trial access to underserved communities.
Getting DTx apps like Big Health’s Sleepio on formularies mean doctors trust them—something important to ensure patient uptake.
Osmind’s Zoom mental health integrations show how mental health is at the forefront of virtual care.
We unpack the AMA’s digital health report findings and explore how efficiency is driving RPM adoption.
CareJourney’s launch on the Salesforce platform shows that data analytics is getting more accessible and can streamline healthcare workflows.
pharma companies like Novo Nordisk are using AI to cull data insights for drug discovery.