
It wants to target insurers next, but most large insurers like Aetna already have their own employer-focused telehealth ventures.

On today's episode, we discuss what healthcare consumers in 2022 care about most and how companies are responding to those new needs. Then for "In Other News," we talk about why digital health funding has spiked and some developments in home healthcare. Tune in to the discussion with our analyst Rajiv Leventhal.

A Peloton acquisition may face regulatory scrutiny: While Amazon, Apple, and Nike are each reportedly interested in buying Peloton, they need to examine whether the benefit is worth the hassle.

Virtual care alone won’t be a panacea for treating chronic conditions: New research from Included Health reveals virtual care effectively treat hypertension. We unpack some of telehealth's limitations and explore why pairing telehealth with RPM and in-person care could be more fruitful.

SOC Telemed is getting acquired by a health investment firm. Just last year, it was scoring funding dollars and acquisitions—but competition might have pushed it out.

Cybersecurity woes haven’t gotten any better and threaten digital health growth: HIMSS’ new healthcare cybersecurity survey showsthat healthcare’s cybersecurity crisis isn’t getting any better. And contending with these threats could delay health entities’ digital transformation plans.

Digital health startups to watch this week: We highlight buzzy funding rounds from healthcare navigation platform League and cancer care app Jasper, and detail why they’re worth watching.

Mental health M&As have been firing up—and Calm joins along: The mental health app is acquiring Ripple Health to diversify its mental health offerings. We unpack what it means for its business strategy and how it's part of a larger trend.

A glimpse into the healthcare metaverse in Asia: : On the back of Otsuka’s team-up withVR startup Jolly Good, we dig into the hot digital health market in APAC regions and why the metaverse will fuel VR-based healthcare innovation.

Worldwide, digital health companies struck 990 investment deals collectively in 2021, up about a quarter from 2020. While this flurry of deal-making is notable, what’s astounding is the $44.0 billion these firms raised, double what they took in the previous year.