Media & Entertainment

SES and Intelsat, two of the world’s largest satellite operators, are close to a merger deal that would create a $10B company to compete with SpaceX and Amazon.

The threat of a TikTok ban is enough to make waves: ByteDance, Meta, and Chinese competitor Kuaishou are all taking steps to anticipate a ban.

Splitting into six companies makes each business unit more competitive while reducing regulatory oversight, which could help increase profits.

Disney doesn’t think the metaverse is a priority: The company’s first round of layoffs axed its metaverse division as the rest of the media world leaves the limp dream behind.

Should households without TVs be counted in TV measurement? One industry group argues yes, since those households stream TV content to mobile devices.

Apple leads businesses leaning on China: The brewing tech cold war notwithstanding, companies like Apple need to rely on established supply chains. Continued foreign partnerships are essential to China’s recovery.

Does Apple believe in its headset? Some inside the company aren’t confident about the Reality Pro, and there’s evidence backing the doubt. A pivot to more relevant technologies makes sense.

TikTok is banned from French government phones. The move may accelerate wider government bans of other apps, like Instagram and Twitter.

Roblox’s ad struggles show the metaverse’s waning importance: Advertisers may choose to stay away from the platform thanks to new rules limiting exposure and restricting content.

Ad spending set to grow on shoulders of retail media: Auto recovery and ad-supported video will also buttress the US advertising market in 2023.

One of the largest wireless and satellite TV providers stands to lose ground in highly competitive markets if it fails to respond to customers.

The FTC wants to stop the seemingly never-ending struggles to cancel unwanted subscription plans for gym memberships, cellular plans, apps, and more.

Snap expands its AR offerings to DTC merchants and enterprise clients: The move paves the way for more interactive shopping experiences and reduced returns.

Retail media will stay ahead of connected TV (CTV) in US ad spending and close in on traditional TV this year, according to our forecast. Search overall, including paid search on retail media networks, will reach $108.48 billion in 2023.

If TikTok’s only recourse is to separate from ByteDance, then Beijing could lean on export rules to veto the sale, potentially ending TikTok’s presence in various countries.

Spotify’s $100 million fund for diverse projects starts off slow: Concerns about spending arise as the initiative marks its first year.

Apple to invest $1 billion a year on big cinema push: Company thinks raising its Hollywood profile could lead to increased connected TV revenues.

AppliedVR gets CMS coverage for RelieVRx: Virtual reality therapies are edging towards the mainstream

The social video app’s defense against a potential sale or wider bans is customer backlash from its 150 million US users, or 45% of America’s population.

Microsoft says it’s launching a gaming app store, but only if its acquisition proceeds: Activision Blizzard would give Microsoft a slew of major titles to distribute on mobile devices.