
High-speed, low voltage charging could be an EV game-changer: VW and BP’s chargers can be installed where higher voltage is not available, making them a viable retrofit option for petrol station

Chip factories could see delays: Now it’s the tools used to build chip fabs that are facing shortages. As new factories are delayed, the chip shortage will continue into 2024, resulting in scarcity and price hikes.

Storm clouds are brewing: The $10 billion NSA contract with AWS leaves Microsoft out in the cold as the race between the top three cloud providers tightens. More deal tension to follow.

EVs, DIY-style: Soaring gas prices have classic car lovers flocking to conversion specialists for an electric makeover. The trend could help decarbonize the global transportation sector much faster.

Apple’s shift away from tech doesn’t come at the expense of its brand: Once known for its sleek hardware, Apple is now focusing on media.

Chinese government looks to scale back regulation: Beijing eases controls on Big Tech companies, leading to a stock rally and optimism that short-term recovery can offset losses from factory closures.

Apple survives supply chain shortages on way to post record sales: The company’s ability to navigate global shortages could be put to the test by prolonged pandemic-related factory shutdowns in China.

Is AI becoming Big Brother? Human presence and emotional-state detection technologies are raising civil rights alarms bells. Although they could have merits for productivity, they’re also invasive and error-prone.

Big data meets tiny diamonds: Researchers cracked the quantum computing storage puzzle with a diamond wafer containing an unprecedented amount of memory. But don’t expect to buy one anytime soon.

Sun-powered EVs: The sun can help reduce EV range anxiety. But integrating solar cells into vehicle bodies is a better option for average drivers than hauling heavy panels around.

The metaverse’s brainy side: Moonhub wants to bring the eduverse to the workplace. It could be the end of worker-training reluctance but will require purchasing many pricey headsets.

The push to rein in cloud spending sprees: Pressure to digitally transform has spurred out-of-control cloud spending. The near-term burden will likely fall on cloud customers to cut costs.

Goldilocks zone for EV battery temperature: GM’s heat pump can extend EV battery range and cut charging times. Advancements in the technology could benefit far more than cars.

Farms ripe for cyberattacks: Agriculture is turning to tech to help ease the labor shortage and potentially boost production. But recent ransomware attacks underscore the threat to food security.

Big Tech squares off against unions: Momentum is on the side of workers seeking higher wages and transparency. How companies address brewing labor movements could be a red flag for regulators.

AI’s invisible hand: Skopai is the latest example of companies using AI to predict economic outcomes. However, more than a tool, AI could become an economic factor.

Meta released its Q1 2022 earnings, revealing the company's slowest revenue growth since going public, for a total of $27.91 billion. Daily active users bounced back by 30 million users to 1.96 billion, following the platform’s first-ever drop in Q4 2021.

More deliveries, faster: To satiate consumer appetite for faster delivery while also appeasing workers, Amazon puts $1 billion toward startups. But so far its tech investments haven’t been altogether fruitful.