
Inaccurate coverage maps could delay broadband initiatives: SpaceX’s Starlink and Comcast have provided inaccurate coverage data, and now customers are challenging their claims.

T-Mobile outage affects users nationwide: Widespread mobile and 5G disruptions are happening more frequently, with little accountability or explanation. They’re also affecting partner mobile virtual network operators.

Streaming media apps might have to pay up: European regulators could require data-heavy businesses to pay for network expansion and maintenance. This cost will inevitably lead to price increases for subscribers.

The latest in satellite internet news: Satellite internet investments are starting to take off and demonstrating how the technology can be effective in serving rural areas. Can increased competition bring down costs?

Exaggerated network maps confound rural broadband initiatives: Thousands of locations are showing up in network maps as having access to broadband but are in reality underserved. Billions of dollars are at stake.

Xfinity ascends as broadband speed leader: Xfinity was the fastest fixed broadband provider in 14 states during Q4 2022. The competition wasn’t far behind, proving broadband in the US is improving.

Massive outage was due to human error: Unintentionally deleted files caused 7,000 flight delays in the US. Upgrades are necessary but could cost billions of dollars and take time to implement.

T-Mobile widens the gap in speed tests, 5G coverage: T-Mobile’s download speeds and coverage pulled further away from the competition in Q4. How can Verizon and AT&T catch up?

Inaccurate maps threaten rural states’ broadband funds: Senators reveal 20,000 examples where ISP coverage was overstated in the FCC’s broadband maps.

ogers-Shaw deal in jeopardy: The $26 billion merger would create the second-largest firm in Canada’s telecom oligopoly, but delays and uncertainty will drive down value.

Google expands its cloud but pivots to a simplicity sprint to counter the down economy: Innovation could be dialed down further for 2023 as Big Tech’s most multifaceted behemoth rethinks its strategies.

2022’s outages increased and took longer to resolve: Wired and wireless networks continue to be under duress as Big Tech, streaming services, and cloud gaming proliferate while legacy infrastructure and overloaded systems buckled.

Matter unites smart homes: The smart home standard has 200+ devices ready to go and more are coming now that additional companies are expected to sign up in time for the holiday shopping season.

Phishing attacks on the rise: Trusted brands like DHL, Microsoft, and LinkedIn are often impersonated in phishing emails, causing millions of dollars in breaches. Are brands responsible for educating their customers?

Tech cold war between US and China intensifies: As Chinese president Xi Jinping solidifies his third term, US federal regulators have intensified the ban of telecom equipment considered to be security threat

Google Cloud’s $100B opportunity: Data residency and sovereignty in regions like Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Greece could be Google Cloud’s competitive advantage in its pivot to a network provider.

Private 5G’s big debut: NTT’s multi-party, multi-phase private 5G project for Las Vegas will boost connectivity in schools, power security and monitoring systems, and make telehealth more accessible.

Spam texts are soaring: The FCC is fast-tracking regulation that could quash spam SMS at the network level to combat a growing telecommunications problem.

Cost of the tech cold war: The FCC’s list of potential security threats grows longer with ComNet and China Unicom’s inclusion. The cost to rip and replace equipment and services may adversely affect smaller telecoms.

Global eSIM adoption is inevitable: 3.4B devices will be eSIM compatible by 2025. We can expect to see an increase in 5G connectivity in smartphones, laptops, tablets, and wearables.