A new class-action lawsuit and competitive pressures are turning up the heat on Amex
Mastercard has been pushing into value-added services like fraud solutions to diversify revenues
This is a problem considering younger consumers are BNPL providers’ core targets
They expect the same digital experience online and in-store—including payment choice. We look at how retailers can respond
It could eventually force Apple to open up its NFC capabilities to other mobile wallets, disrupting industry dynamics
This tactic reflects customers’ desire for stability and safety in the rocky year following last March’s US bank collapses.
Payment networks provide the infrastructure (rails) through which funds flow between payers and recipients. They come in different flavors based on settlement speed, supported transaction types, costs, and operational hours.
They feel they’re lagging behind others they see on social media, but they don’t understand exactly what financial goals to aim for.
Especially at the POS, US consumers have been slow to embrace digital wallets. The softPOS boom and new features could change that
Cross-border volume has driven Mastercard’s growth. China’s massive remittance volume and Alipay’s 1B users make this a fruitful deal
The tie-up can help MoneyGram capitalize on the lower costs and faster speeds open banking can bring to remittances
On today's podcast episode, we discuss what the 2024 Oscars taught us about the future of awards shows, whether its time to give up on email, how Netflix's sports strategy will play out, if the idea of "news" can survive online, how the money in the world is shared between us, and more. Tune in to the discussion with our analyst Bill Fisher, forecasting analyst Zach Goldner, and director of forecasting Oscar Orozco.
The neobank may be trying to do too much as it diversifies
The average score isn’t cause for concern yet, but it’s a sign that delinquencies may be catching up with consumers
As their city shrinks, multiple New Orleans-based depositor-owned banks believe a change in ownership will help them grow.
This can make Galileo a more attractive partner for fintechs to work with and can help the modern card issuer keep up its momentum