On today's episode, we discuss some of the best-in-class features of a retail site, what to avoid, and how to get your retail app onto customers' phones. We then talk about whether 30-minute delivery can move the needle, what the first iteration of robot delivery might look like, and if palm-scanning technology will catch on. Tune in to the discussion with eMarketer principal analyst at Insider Intelligence Suzy Davidkhanian.
The FTC is forcing digital health apps to inform US consumers of any cybersecurity breaches, or else face hefty fines.
GM will extend its Bolt EV production delay due to a battery pack shortage. Increased demand for EVs may only aggravate the problem.
Tim Cook said he’s still interested in the technology’s promise, despite yet another year without any product announcements.
The FTC signals acquisitions could go under greater scrutiny in the future: A new study by the regulator suggests that Big Tech is skirting rules to avoid reporting some deals.
Nearly 10 years after the failed Google Glass launch, Facebook and other device makers are trying, once again, to make smart glasses mainstream.
T-Mobile added a new cellular label called 5GUC, ostensibly to provide clarity—but the abundance of different labels may be having the opposite effect.
A UN mortaroum request highlights the level of unease over certain AI tech. Doing so could threaten innovation in the US
The company officially landed the UK end of its massive fiber cable bolstering connectivity between the US, UK, Spain.
A unified US AI strategy could accelerate innovation beyond core regions: So far, the Bay Area and early-adopting metro areas make up the majority of AI uptake in the US, per a new report.
BCIs may one day mesh with AVs—when the tech and the public are both ready: Mercedes recently showed off an autonomous concept car whose operator uses a BCI helmet to set destinations and control in-car features with their mind.
Apple’s 1TB iPhone would tap high-quality video demand but likely won’t come cheap: The company is reportedly adding a 1TB storage option for the top-line iPhone of its new fleet.