Walmart unveils details of its new DSP: The demand-side platform, built in partnership with The Trade Desk, is set to debut in October.
Warby Parker’s IPO filing suggests hurdles to profitability: The eyewear brand outlined its rising sales and deepening losses in the new disclosure.
Till introduced four new features that help tenants pay their rent with more ease and rewards them for on-time payments so landlords can get paid faster with fewer missed payments—making Till’s platform more useful.
TikTok’s Shopping tab marks a big but necessary shift: The feature will let select Shopify merchants add product catalogs to their profiles, likely the first of many interface changes to facilitate ecommerce on the TikTok.
High prices drive people to ditch pay TV
The number of US social buyers on Pinterest grew 30.5% in 2020, for a total of 12.0 million, per our estimates. By the end of 2021, that number will grow another 16.4% to reach 13.9 million.
Instagram Shop gets ads: The new ads will appear on the Shop tab's algorithmically driven homepage, tapping into Instagram's strength in product discovery.
Walmart outsells Amazon in this key category
Instacart's growth exploded in 2020, with sales increasing by 229.7% over 2019, for a total of $23.42 billion. But by the end of 2021, the grocery delivery company's sales will grow by a comparatively small 11.3%, which is in line with market norms.
Foremost Business Systems offers point-of-sale hardware and software solutions for restaurants, which can help NCR build out its hospitality unit and boost overall revenues.
The UK launch is its first international crypto expansion and anticipates the company’s super app goal.