eMarketer principal analyst Nicole Perrin and forecasting analyst at Insider Intelligence Eric Haggstrom discuss what they're paying attention to in 2021 and why: digital ad measurement, connected TV, and ecommerce channel advertising.

Ad fraud schemes like the one Oracle exposed will likely increase in the coming years, but that won’t dampen demand for CTV inventory.

Consumers in Japan are becoming more familiar with the American shopping day, but they're shopping at supermarkets rather than electronics stores.

Clothing and apparel retailers are continuing to see steep declines in 2020, with sales well below 2019 levels.

eMarketer principal analyst Debra Aho Williamson, senior analyst Jasmine Enberg, and junior analyst at Insider Intelligence Blake Droesch discuss what they're paying attention to in 2021, and why: the rise of social entertainment, WhatsApp's next move, and stalling social commerce.

The coronavirus pandemic boosted social media usage around the world, as many people stayed home for weeks or months. In 2020, there will be nearly 150 million more social network users worldwide than we expected before the pandemic—more than the entire population of Russia. That will lift the total to 3.23 billion, well ahead of our predictions in November 2019 and June 2020. As a result, nearly 81% of internet users worldwide will be social network users.