Wealth managers can tap into fintech apps and open finance to set up their clients for long-term success.

Retailers couldn’t get enough of retail media networks in 2022: But the challenge going into 2023 is to make those networks sophisticated and effective enough to draw ad dollars away from Amazon.

We plot the trajectories of three US policy initiatives we tracked this year to forecast how they’ll fare in the 118th Congress.

Walmart looks to bag more digital ad market share: The largest retailer’s trove of first-party data positions it for bigger and better results in advertising.

November ad spend shows the pandemic boom is over: The typically lucrative period declined 8% year over year as the market finally stabilized after the pandemic.

Today’s consumers expect brands to recognize them and anticipate their needs, all while respecting their privacy.

Meta trapped in the middle of its past and future: One year after its bold pivot to the metaverse, Meta is wrestling with poor VR user adoption while desperately trying to resuscitate legacy apps in a flagging ad-revenue reality.

Can data clean rooms satisfy regulators? The emerging tech has Big Tech adopters, but lacks clear standards.

There are more ways than ever for shoppers to buy secondhand: That’s one reason why 62% consumers have browsed, or bought, a secondhand item in the past year.

Walmart, Kroger, Walgreens ramped up warehouse automation in 2022 to compete with Amazon: We forecast that nearly half of retailers with major centers will use fulfillment robots by 2024 to fulfill consumers’ desire for faster delivery.

Cybersecurity industry is at a breaking point: Businesses are more worried about cybercrime than many other challenges just as cybersecurity professionals burn out en masse. Automation and partnerships could help.

US retail sales grew 7.6% over the holiday season: Consumers diversified their spending due to inflation and a desire to return to pre-pandemic activities such as eating out.

Despite a tough economic climate, consumers shrug off QSR deals: The chains with the highest deal rates aren’t outperforming other QSR brands.

Retailers and other businesses need to improve the customer experience: Only 45% of consumers are “very satisfied” with the way they connect with companies.

Smartphone consolidation continues: Apple’s iPhone continues to gain share in the high end of the smartphone market while consumers get fewer options for affordable or entry-level 5G devices.

Social commerce sales will reach $107.17 billion by 2025: While Facebook and Instagram will still attract the most buyers, it’s TikTok that’s making the most aggressive moves.