Marketing Technology

There’s a lot of noise surrounding customer data platforms (CDPs). Yet even with all the buzz, more than one-third of brands with a deployed CDP say they deliver little to no value. Atlassian shared what it learned while improving campaign awareness and strengthening customer acquisition, loyalty, and advocacy.

AI is already here—creating marketing copy, generating images, even writing an ad for Ryan Reynolds’ company. Here are five charts to help you mull over the advantages of AI. A word of caution: We expect progress to be slow if resources and budgets continue to be tight.

President Biden urges regulators to move fast on Big Tech reforms: He called for a ban on targeting ads to minors and reforms to the controversial Section 230.

After postponing it a couple of times, Google has confirmed it will deprecate Chrome cookies once and for all in 2024. Are you ready? Here’s what you need to know to navigate this new world, including how to talk to internal and external partners, a rundown on identity solutions, and why you need to start now.

Meta sets teen ad limits days after a public school district lawsuit: The company is changing its teen advertising policies while staring down litigation and mountains of fines.

Pinterest’s LiveRamp partnership jumps on the clean room bandwagon: With social players like Meta and LinkedIn embracing privacy-enhancing solutions, Pinterest can’t afford not to.

New California and Virginia laws kick off a big year for privacy regulations: Oddly enough, marketers could benefit from federal regulation to solve the problem.

Microsoft wants to be the next big ad tech company: Major deals with Netflix and ads in Windows itself mean the tech giant is set on developing a strong ad business.

Can data clean rooms satisfy regulators? The emerging tech has Big Tech adopters, but lacks clear standards.

We look at 2022’s biggest tech flexes that changed the landscape of business or left us scratching our heads. The year saw Tesla’s CEO buying Twitter, Google exiting games, Amazon bringing back the dead, and TikTok expanding into various other segments.

AI sensation ChatGPT isn’t just a leap forward in generative AI technology. It’s part of a trend that at least one marketing technology (martech) expert thinks will shape marketing in 2023.

Privacy is the top challenge of data clean rooms, cited by nearly half of marketers and publishers worldwide who use them, per Lotame. For 41% of marketers and 37% of publishers, the tech is too expensive. Other concerns include issues with emails, scale, and partner overlap.

Amazon provides a promising sign for the future of clean rooms: Its Web Services clean room is a bet that the tech will please regulators and advertisers.

B2B marketers seek the best bang for the buck: Professionals plan to spend more on technology but will focus on tools that can deliver tangible impacts on marketing goals.

As the data privacy landscape shifts, it’s become increasingly difficult for retailers to collect and manage customer data.

Fragmented data and disconnected data sets across channels continue to complicate marketers’ ability to accurately target consumers. In this video, Neustar’s Ryan Engle, vice president, identity solutions, explains why identity resolution is essential to modern data strategies.

Ransomware resulted in massive email outage: Rackspace blames a ransomware attack for shutting off its hosted exchange hosting service. An SEC filing anticipating lost revenue could signal loss of customer data.

Meta succeeds against US regulators but takes a major blow in the EU: Meta insists that news isn’t part of its business model, but its pivot to Reels hits a major roadblock.