Logistics, manufacturing, and wages, oh my!: Salesforce predicts a major uptick in retailer spend requirements for the second half of the year as supply chains and labor costs continue to go up.
Where are people buying into social buying?
Watch AR ecommerce at Snapchat's quarterly earnings: The company is sure to give more details on its push to make AR shopping a bigger part of its platform, especially after announcing two major partnerships earlier this week.
Growth revved up in June and could accelerate in the coming months—making retail tech solutions and other in-store enhancements more important than ever.
As Amazon raked in more than $11 billion in Prime Day sales worldwide, health and beauty product sales boomed on the platform. In a survey conducted by Numerator throughout the event, 28.0% of US Prime Day buyers said they made a purchase in that category. Consumer electronics also made a spark: 27.5% of respondents reported buying tech gear and gadgets.
On today's episode, we discuss which pandemic personas will stick around, why brands are struggling to know who their customers are, and the most important ways consumer behavior has likely changed permanently. We then talk about how people will shop once businesses are fully reopen, two new in-store virtual reality (VR) experiences, and what Apple's new “buy now, pay later” service could do to the space. Tune in to the discussion with eMarketer principal analyst at Insider Intelligence Suzy Davidkhanian.
The QuickBooks Card Reader lets merchants accept contactless payments and chip cards—helping Intuit move further beyond accounting software and into in-store payments.
China’s wallets have gone mobile
There’s a lot of attention paid to direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands right now, and for good reason: in addition to the pandemic-fueled 45.5% growth from 2019 to 2020, US digital D2C sales are expected to grow another 15.9% in 2021, reaching $175 billion by 2023, according to our estimates.
Following a diminished need to refresh their wardrobe, consumers are excited to celebrate the holiday season in style. Watch Industry Voices: Holiday Preparedness with Banana Republic’s Jen Mullen, vice president and head of stores, to hear how the fashion retailer is applying learnings from last year to ensure a seamless holiday shopping experience.