Amazon was once again the big winner of this year’s Prime Day: But inflation took its toll as shoppers focused on household essentials over big-ticket purchases.

The updated version offers more generous rewards for purchases at US gas stations and online purchases. We weigh whether that’s enough to capture consumers’ attention.

Two years in, how is Peacock doing? NBCUniversal’s streaming service lags behind in subscriptions but is still a crucial platform to watch.

40% of Gen Z likes to search on TikTok instead of Google: Those numbers come from Google itself, which is eager to deflect monopoly accusations.

On today's episode, we discuss what to make of Elon Musk trying to pull out of the Twitter deal, the ramifications for both parties, and how advertisers will likely view the platform going forward. Tune in to the discussion with our analyst Jasmine Enberg.

Amazon throws antitrust regulators a bone: The retailer is drastically reducing how many items it sells under its own brands, which may help alleviate government scrutiny into its business practices.

Chip fab plans are up in the air: Intel, TSMC, and others could pause US chip expansion plans while the $52 billion United States Innovation and Compatition Act languishes.

Tesla and Ford are neck and neck in the race to become North America’s most popular connected car brand, each making up nearly one-third of connected car systems in the region. Android-based system Atoto takes third at 11%, beating out multiple automakers due to its ability to upgrade nonconnected vehicles.

CTV and upper-funnel campaigns see the biggest cuts: Economic uncertainty is causing advertisers to pull back their spending.

Another EV charging problem: As ACs blast during a Texas heatwave, EV charging could lead to blackouts—but it doesn’t have to. Bidirectional charging can make EVs a lifeline, not a burden.

We think its latest Northwell Health partnership is a sign that more health systems could tap Google Cloud as patient data volume grows significantly.

The wave of in-game advertising is growing: Game engine Unity has acquired mobile ad firm ironSource to help integrate ads into games even earlier in the development process.

The scale of Big Tech’s lobbying efforts: Sides lobbying for and against Big Tech regulation are intensifying their efforts before the Senate’s recess. Companies like Amazon are backing groups to stall regulation.

On today's episode, we discuss some predictions for H2 2022 that are too specific to be 100% certain but could still come true, including: will there be new talks to revive the Pinterest/PayPal super app merger, what will happen to Mark Zuckerberg's quest to build the metaverse, will Netflix get into live sports, and more. Tune in to the discussion with our analysts Debra Aho Williamson, Andrew Lipsman, and Paul Verna.

An alternative cloud: Big Cloud’s solid market lead isn’t stopping growth of other small-scale options. Rising providers that are winning customer trust for cheaper services could shake up power dynamics.