
Netflix outlines password sharing wins: Innovative approaches turn freeloaders into subscribers, resulting in significant user growth.

Warner Bros. filing shows just how big a deal Hollywood strikes are: WBD expects to lose $500 million due to the strikes, the effect of which will be felt deep into 2024.

The Media Rating Council says YouTube needs an audit: The industry group is trying to broaden its scope to help build trust in advertising’s pivot to digital video.

YouTube's embrace of Shorts challenges long-form content: While the platform seeks balance, Instagram's move could further disrupt the market.

Apple’s bet on Major League Soccer is paying off—for now: Lionel Messi joined the league in July, propelling Apple TV+ to its best month for subscribers this year.

Reels' next frontier: Instagram's strategic play against TikTok's and YouTube's video offerings, maximizing advertising opportunities.

Networks ask Nielsen not to use Amazon’s first-party football data: The future of sports broadcasting rights could hang in the balance of a measurement deal.

YouTube offers creators a community guidelines olive branch: The platform is offering a class to help creators penalized by a hyperactive “strike” system.

Amazon to weave AI into sports broadcasting: It’ll power Thursday Night Football on-screen features with its neural network. We expect other digital entertainment platforms will follow suit.

Amazon and Disney could team up on ESPN: Thursday Night Football could make Amazon a desirable partner for ESPN’s uncertain streaming future.

Inflation forces judicious consumers to get more judicious with streamers: Netflix thrives with strategic moves, while others invest heavily in content.

On today's podcast episode, we discuss whether the way people watch sports has changed, if Uber and Lyft will ever be able to turn a profit, whether Peacock can keep its head above water, what happened to the TikTok ban, what The Walt Disney Co. should do with ESPN, who's not on the internet, and more. Tune in to the discussion with our forecasting writer Ethan Cramer-Flood and analysts Bill Fisher and Max Willens.

The WGA rejects the AMPTP’s latest offer: The strong position of the unions means the Hollywood strike could easily extend beyond 2023.

On today's podcast episode, we discuss why Disney+ is losing users, what a Disney+ password-sharing crackdown would look like, and the impact of ESPN Bet. "In Other News," we talk about what the Alliance of Motion Picture and TV Producers is offering at the latest writers strike negotiations and why The Roku Channel has become a legitimate player in the streaming wars. Tune in to the discussion with our analyst Daniel Konstantinovic.

On today's podcast episode, we discuss why the Federal Trade Commission is investigating ChatGPT-maker OpenAI; how publishers, content creators, and authors feel about generative AI; what the wrong kind of regulation looks like; and what AI rules we will likely see next. "In Other News," we talk about when we can expect to see GPT-5 and what to make of Netflix's newly launched game-controller app. Tune in to the discussion with our analysts Jacob Bourne and Gadjo Sevilla.

YouTube wants Sunday Ticket to represent the future of sports: A bevy of new features aims to lighten higher consumer costs and convince advertisers of unique opportunities.

Social users in the US will spend more than half their daily social time watching videos in 2023—up from one-third pre-pandemic. But social video’s growth is slowing, suggesting there’s a limit to the amount people want to consume daily.

Key stat: $6.19 billion (9.0% of US social media ad spend) will go to TikTok this year, according to our forecast. Marketers need to make sure they’re putting their TikTok budget to good use by choosing the right ad types for the right activations. Here’s an overview of in-feed versus Spark Ads on TikTok.

YouTube Music introduces Samples: New feature with a TikTok-like vertical video feed should help users discover new music based on their preferences.

Netflix gets a second shot at Upfronts: Lower CPMs and a fleshed out ad stack are helping its commitments, but there are still obstacles to success.