Complying with Beijing’s censorship of messaging apps underscores the company’s reliance on Chinese production and sales as app bans become a new geopolitical battleground. Read online

Asics looks to reduce its carbon footprint: The company rolled out a circular shoe designed to be recycled at the end of its life.

Meta launches its latest AI Assistant with Llama 3: It’s boldly integrating generative AI across its platforms and products but AI’s hallucinations could come back to haunt it.

POSSIBLE conference reveals retail media’s potential with loyalty data: Target’s strategic use of customer info enhances ad trust and multiplies engagement.

Amazon could face repercussions for surreptitious intelligence gathering: An Amazon team reportedly misrepresented itself to gain information on its rivals.

Struggling with practicality, poor battery life, and security concerns are roadblocks to consumers adopting the latest AI-powered devices. Read online

TikTok and ByteDance's data practices under fire (yes, again): Lack of controls and exposure of US data in China fuel national security worries.

Checkout might be the last step in the customer journey, but if there’s friction at a retailer’s point-of-sale—long lines, frustrating self-checkout machines, or a lack of payment options, for example—shoppers might bail. Solutions like smart carts, mobile checkout, and biometrics could provide relief.

Most brands are increasing their influencer marketing budgets. Many creators say brand deals are drying up. Both are true: More money is flowing into influencer marketing, but new high-profile partnerships are harder than ever for creators to come by.

LinkedIn doubles down on premium subscriptions: A new offering will let companies boost their pages with AI and other enhancements as the company seeks greater B2B revenues.

Best Buy launches an Apple Vision Pro app: The retailer aims to appeal to early adopters and tech-enthusiasts with the means to splurge on the latest and greatest new products.

Most patients around the world lack trust in their healthcare system: They also feel self-empowered to take health into their own hands—a dangerous combination for healthcare providers, marketers, and even the media.

UnitedHealth facing $1.6B cyberattack hit this year: While the impact of the Change cyberattack has been bad for US physicians’ business, UnitedHealth has emerged relatively unscathed. Here’s why the worst could still be to come for the healthcare titan.

Lilly’s GLP-1 Zepbound found to reduce sleep apnea: Coming amid healthcare’s broader GLP-1 craze, we take a look at the opportunities these new clinical trial findings present and what it means for drug manufacturers.

On today's podcast episode, we discuss why social media platforms are less equipped to stop toxic content, the main ways AI will heighten brand safety concerns, and steps marketers can take to mitigate risk. "In Other News," we talk about whether brands repurposing vertical video ads for TVs can work and what Hulu adding its content to Disney+ means for the streaming universe. Tune in to the discussion with our vice president of content Paul Verna.

A guide to everything seen (and overheard) at POSSIBLE to help you determine if it's worth putting in your 2025 budget.

Government employees threaten to quit over former OpenAI researcher’s hiring: We can expect to see rising discord over generative AI’s social and economic risks and what to do about them.

Netflix exceeds Q1 forecasts with strong earnings and subscriber growth: Shifts reporting focus from subscriber numbers to revenue and engagement starting 2025.

Lawmakers raise the alarm on Disney, Fox, and WBD’s sports service: A House and DoJ inquiry into antitrust concerns could make Upfront deals tricky.

Caitlin Clark-led WNBA draft sets viewership record:2.45 million tune in, signaling growing interest and investment in women's sports.