The popularity of news content on social media is on the decline: News consumption on social media is going down as changes forced by regulators begin to take effect.
The company’s recent updates rolled out a slew of new features, but some of the most anticipated new tools won’t come arrive for months
The FTC is forcing digital health apps to inform US consumers of any cybersecurity breaches, or else face hefty fines.
DoorDash sues NYC over customer data-sharing law: Though the company’s argument that the law would hurt consumer privacy is technically true, it’s more likely that DoorDash hopes to maintain control over restaurants’ marketing communications.
WhatsApp takes on business discovery: The new in-app directory is its latest feature pushing to make ecommerce central to the platform. But privacy concerns still loom large in the background.
Nearly 10 years after the failed Google Glass launch, Facebook and other device makers are trying, once again, to make smart glasses mainstream.
T-Mobile added a new cellular label called 5GUC, ostensibly to provide clarity—but the abundance of different labels may be having the opposite effect.
In every continent except Oceania, Android accounts for a greater share of smartphone web traffic than iOS.
For the iPhone, it’s looking to be an evolutionary—rather than revolutionary—product upgrade year. Apple beefed up processing power and added cinematic features to cameras, which could catch the interest of content creators, but overall specs fail to impress.
Apple’s 1TB iPhone would tap high-quality video demand but likely won’t come cheap: The company is reportedly adding a 1TB storage option for the top-line iPhone of its new fleet.
The Epic v. Apple ruling dings both companies, and the fight isn’t over: Apple has to loosen payment restrictions while Epic has to pay a fine, but Fortnite won’t return to the App Store yet.
Mobile messaging app adoption accelerated in 2020, particularly in the early months of the pandemic, as housebound consumers sought out ways to stay connected with friends and family.
In North America, TV is the dominant screen for viewing OTT video content, accounting for 82% of time spent on the activity in Q2 2021.