eMarketer principal analysts Mark Dolliver and Sara M. Watson, along with junior analyst at Insider Intelligence Blake Droesch, discuss the true power of the social media giants, how Gen Z viewers like to consume sports, Twitter leaning into audio, news use on social platforms, how the pandemic has reshaped children's screen time, why people get "red eye" in photos, and more.
Netflix holds on to the streaming wars crown. Despite decelerating growth expected through 2024, a nearly 37 million subscriber gain in 2020 will keep the streaming service on top for years to come.
China shops abroad: Chinese consumers will increase their spending on products from foreign ecommerce sellers by more than 17% this year as the pandemic continues to accelerate the shift to digital.
Pinterest rolls out dynamic creative: The site now offers a partnership program for advertisers looking to create performance-driven Pins, as it continues to beef up ad offerings to marketers.
DuckDuckGo surpasses 100 million search queries: The privacy-oriented Google alternative reached a milestone earlier this month in a year when privacy will likely remain a focal point.
TikTok continues its ascent, but Instagram is still king.
eMarketer forecasting analyst at Insider Intelligence Peter Vahle discusses the latest podcast deals and what the mean, how listenership is changing, and the state of podcast advertising. He then talks about the recent Unity and Snap mobile gaming partnership, YouTube's 15-second audio ads, and which sports Americans are currently most comfortable attending in-person.