Comcast’s streaming ad platform aims for SMBs: Universal Ads will launch with partners like Roku and WBD as competition for SMBs increases.
2025 is a crucial year for Netflix’s future: The streaming leader’s first sports rights deal begins in days, teeing up future opportunities.
Marketing has dramatically changed over the first quarter of the 21st century. The rise of digital, hyper-specific targeting, connected TV(CTV), and real-time advertising marketplaces are just a few of the trends that have made the marketing industry almost unrecognizable to what it was at the beginning of 2000.
The net neutrality reversal makes deep pockets more important than relevance, threatening SMBs and reshaping the battle for online visibility.
The former Bush aide’s elevation could reshape content moderation policies as Meta navigates polarized users and criticism of its content moderation policies.
Virtual product placement surges: Rembrand’s $23M funding fuels growth in AI-driven ad tools, regional targeting, and post-production flexibility.
CTV display ad spending will reach $33.35 billion in 2025, with 98.4% of those dollars going to video ads. Total CTV ad spending will see solid double-digit annual growth rates through our forecast period to reach $46.89 billion in 2028.
Apple TV+ offers free weekend: A blend of traditional tactics and tech strategy aims to boost subscribers ahead of Severance Season 2.
In 2024, some of our newsletter team’s predictions included that attention metrics would gain more momentum in measurement, and Gen Alpha would steal some of Gen Z’s appeal among marketers. This year, we’re expecting a surge in AI ethics campaigns, email marketing troubles, rising browser competition, as well as some innovation in the world of gaming. Our analysts have already shared many of their predictions for 2025, but here are a few more from our newsletter team.
US box office sees 2023 decline: Family films lead revenue, while 2025 promises recovery with blockbuster releases and stable marketing plans.
Social media’s $11 billion revenue from minors may be disrupted under California’s SB 976 as addiction-focused algorithms face mounting legal pushback.
Mobile-first gaming leads the charge into 2025: Smartphones and portable consoles are reshaping gaming as enhanced hardware makes premium mobile games a competitive force.
EMARKETER clients' top 10 '24 topics : CTV led ad growth, AI drove innovation, and retail media surged, while TikTok and Gen Z reshaped the landscape.
Netflix's NFL debut sets records: Despite technical hiccups, Christmas Day games drew over 24 million viewers each, boosting the platform’s sports ambitions.
In 2024, retail media and CTV converged: First-party data enables precise targeting, while connected TV enhances ad personalization and tracks purchase behavior.
Increased time spent on CTV, social video’s shopping influence, and a larger share of working Gen Zers will give advertisers new opportunities for growth. Here are five charts to help your business understand these changes and kick-start the new year.
Interest in women's sports continues to rise: Media investment and NIL rules drive opportunities for advertisers and growing fan engagement.
A big Google decision is coming in 2025: A judge will rule in April on several DOJ proposals that Google sell Chrome and syndicate its data.
While costly headsets falter, mobile AR is seeing strong momentum. Affordable solutions like Ray-Ban Meta Glasses offer promising pathways for consumer engagement.
Digital sports viewership surpasses TV: Fragmentation challenges consumers, while younger audiences drive demand for highlights and streaming innovation.