Top-down government intervention in China’s tech sector is not new, but the current blitz of new policy announcements is keeping even the most seasoned marketers on their heels.
For the iPhone, it’s looking to be an evolutionary—rather than revolutionary—product upgrade year. Apple beefed up processing power and added cinematic features to cameras, which could catch the interest of content creators, but overall specs fail to impress.
UK efforts to weaken GDPR may complicate international data standards: The country is moving forward on efforts to tone down the GDPR, which some lawmakers argue is stifling competition and innovation.
Quip’s $100 million raise says a lot about D2C's future: The channel is a powerful method to build a brand, but sustainable growth involves the use of retailers and other channels.
Millions of e-cigarette and vaping products go up in smoke: While Juul has been left on the market (for now), the FDA's decision could signal the end of a once red-hot consumer trend.
Mobile messaging app adoption accelerated in 2020, particularly in the early months of the pandemic, as housebound consumers sought out ways to stay connected with friends and family.
Amazon’s new smart TVs will disrupt both the connected TV (CTV) and TV measurement industries: Amazon Fire TV is already a major player, but its new CTV lines will let it take advantage of the ongoing fracturing of TV measurement.
B2B tech products and services, the largest sector of B2B advertising, saw a massive boost in the US as the pandemic increased demand across the tech industry.
Facebook is challenged by iOS ad measurement problems: As it reinvents how it measures ad effectiveness, the platform could see some ad dollars shift elsewhere.
A new report alleges contractors across the world monitor users’ personal information, including private messages, despite assurances from WhatsApp that E2EE prevents anyone else from viewing users’ messages.
Read Insider Intelligence's recent stories.
We spoke with Calum Smeaton, founder and CEO at cross-platform TV measurement firm TVSquared, about how advertisers are making their video spend work better for them and how direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands have led the way in this regard.
The agency is reportedly considering issuing its second lawsuit into Google by the end of this year, this time accusing the company of monopolistic practices in its digital advertising business.
The fall TV blitz may not be enough to undo new viewing habits: Broadcasters may not be able to reverse pandemic-era trends, and the number of new streaming services is putting a strain on viewers' wallets.
Branded gaming is here to stay post-pandemic: Hyundai's and Vans' partnerships with Roblox Corporation show what experiential marketing in digital worlds can look like when it's not trying to mimic real life.
It remains to be seen if these companies can bear the large investment and long-term development needed for chip design.
Government-issued internet shutdowns have increased in number and duration since 2016 worldwide, posing a threat to tech firms that want to tap into emerging markets without looking complicit.